The Sierhierkowski Bridge in Warsaw

The application took place in September and October of 2008. The investor for the renovation of the complete 500m long and 35m wide bridge was the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways. The contractor was GS-STEEL from Gdansk. In total, 1.322 Kg of ZINGA were used to protect this magnificent bridge against corrosion.

The anti corrosion protection technology before renovation was:

Metallisation 120µm
Sealer, Intermediate coat and Topcoat; Total 200µm DFT

Surface preparation: Grit blasting

ZINGA 1 x 120µm DFT application by brush where the metallisation was removed (30% of the complete surface). Over the complete surface Sealer, Intermediate coat and Topcoat; Total 200µm DFT

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